Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Baby Merlin

It is hard to believe the story of Merlin. While reading, it almost seems like no one questioned baby Merlin.... I mean, he is only a baby and is talking. Why would you question a baby talking? It is one thing to be making sounds as a baby, but to be able to communicate with adults in full sentences and no help just seems odd for a baby to do. The reading made it sound like Merlin was standing and walking before he was even one. I did not know E-Trade baby was based of Merlin.


            Now I have watched my fair share of babies growing up and if there is one thing I can tell you it is no baby can walk, talk, and stand before two. I do not care if Merlin is part devil and part god, it just does not seem believable. Maybe if I saw this with my own two eyes I might change my opinion, but even then I would question if it was a magic trick.

blog post #4


  1. I would like to point out that I could walk before I was two years old so theres that. And if that means I am Merlin then cool

  2. Let us hope Michael wasn't hairy too...
    I don't know how exactly you would go questioning a talking hairy baby... "Please tell us why you are the way you are?" :P
    But I completely see what you mean about how unbelievable it is. It's so unbelievable, how could you possibly question it?

  3. I have to say the idea of baby Merlin was a bit amusing but the more I started to think about it it just became creepier and creepier, and left a lot of questions. Like how was Merlin getting from place to place, did he have a personal chauffeur?
