All this talk about magic and mysticism.
When we were given the assignment to read about Hildegard von Bingen and Catherine of Sienna and about mysticism, I did't even know know what that meant. So, of course I looked it up on Merriam-Webster dictionary and it said mysticism is "a religious practice based on the belief that knowledge of spiritual truth can be gained by praying or thinking deeply" and it also said, "the belief that direct knowledge of God, spiritual truth or ultimate reality can be attained through subjective experience (as intuition or insight)". Thank you to so do you guys believe that someone who prays so deeply can really understand the knowledge of God? I mean do you really believe that this could possibly happen? I thought that God was suppose to be infinitely powerful and have infinite amounts of knowledge and from the religious perspective God is so holy that a mere human being can not see him, can not touch him, let alone for a mere human to actually understand the knowledge of God is mind boggling. I would think that if you were to attain the direct knowledge of God you would just burst into tiny million pieces because God's knowledge is infinite. It makes me question if these people were like crazy or what? I dunno...
This also sort of reminds me of the class discussion we had a while back when our classmates asked the question "could magic be an illusion?" From what I have actually seen about magic, which is not a lot, I think so. I mean, the rabbit coming out of a hat, the deck of cards tricks, making things disappear they are all just like mind tricks. There's a reason why a magician says oh I don't reveal my trick secrets because its just a trick. It's not like they have supernatural powers. What do you think?
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