Sunday, September 15, 2013

Arabic Influence in Medieval Europe

In Chapter 6 of Richard Kieckhefer’s Magic of the Middle Ages he talks about the Arabic influences on medieval Europe. Honestly, I was a little surprised by this because I have never really thought about much of the outside world coming into Europe at the time. As the medieval European worldview expanded, it’s logical to think that they would be exposed to Arabic or any other cultural influence. I’m sure that the Crusades also definitely helped in the movement of some parts of Arabic culture into Europe.
I thought that the astrology aspect of medieval life was pretty fascinating to read. It is very complex and involves a lot of interpreting of the positions of the planets and stars. Kieckhefer says that “knowing where the stars and planets were located at birth…could show how the heavenly bodies affected a person’s character and general destiny” (p.122). He also says that astrology helps with “interrogations” and “inceptions” which is the consequence of an action and when would be the best time to take action, respectively (p. 122).
I also found the fact that astrology was used in medicine also pretty interesting. Surgeons needed “to know which signs of the zodiac governed which parts of the body, because it was dangerous to operate or bleed a patient when the wrong constellation was dominant” (p.122).  Personally, I think that this would drive me crazy with waiting for months to get some kind of medical treatment. Also because physicians needed to know astrology, the subject was taught in schools (p. 122). I was surprised to read this because I never thought about astrology as being taken so seriously but not only the medieval Europeans but also by the medical community.
To me, astrology has never really been a subject of interest. But reading about its influence in the medieval world has made it more fascinating to me. I also think that it’s interesting how many people in medieval society took it seriously, how it was not only the lower classes but those in power who took a vested interest in it. And even today people still focus on astrology by keeping up with horoscopes that talk about personality traits and things that will happen.

Kieckhefer, Richard. Magic in the Middle Ages. New York: Cambridge University Press.1989. Print.

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