Thursday, December 12, 2013

When Reviewing Brothers Grimm...

When I started my review for the exam, I wanted to go back over the stories from Brothers Grimm and partially because they were absolutely entertaining to read. As I re-read Rumpelstiltskin, I though it was insanely interesting to analyze the weird contrasts between the Brothers Grimm version and the version from Once Upon A Time. First, of all, can we just acknowledge the creepy and sketchy Dark One is in the Once Upon A Time version and how much of a freaking jerk he was. That was so rude and disrespectful making Rumpelstiltskin kiss his boot and practically bow down to him in front of his son. I would be so ashamed and unbelievably embarrassed. It is really crazy to see the difference in the stories as is somewhat like a Disney type, where there is a problem presented and someone prevails in the end. While the Once Upon A Time version is all hardcore and medieval- they oddly enough complete very different tasks or "adventures" to gain what they want in the end. As well, Rumpelstiltskin ultimately wants different things in both stories. In the  Once Upon A Time version he is seeking to gain absolute power to protect his son and in the Brothers Grimm version Rumpelstiltskin only wants to take the child away from the miller's daughter. I did however, love re-reading the story, The Mouse, The Bird and the Sausage. It was certainly a cute story to say the least but very sad in the end. I was absolutely heartbroken that essentially because the other stupid bird tried to convince the main bird that he was carrying most of the weight- thus leading to a disagreement about the balances of work. Ultimately leading to the swapping of tasks and because none of them knew what to do in their new tasks they either got eaten or killed. What a horrible way to end a story because for a majority of the story it definitely seemed like they had a good thing going for them. We seem to see an apparent theme of death in Brothers Grimm, at least from my perspective..... In the story, The Riddle, the princess is very adamant about being able to crack and solve any riddle thrown her way. With everyone who told her a riddle that could be solved, would eventually lose their head. The princess was also ready to go through extensive lengths to figure out the answer to a riddle by sneaking in on the prince who told her the final joke while he was sleeping and covering herself in a robe so she could disguise herself. Too bad, she was caught when she though she would get away with it.....haha serves her right. Overall, it is definitely refreshing to see a twist in simple short stories that you would completely expect a sappy, happy ending but that is not what you get at all. Prime example, Brothers Grimm version for Cinderella.....enough said.


  1. I thought the differences between the TV version of Rumpelstiltskin and the Brothers Grimm version of him were interesting, too. The things they had to do did differ, but the end result was the same: they got the power they wanted for one reason or another. I just think it is interesting to explore whether or not the sacrifices they made were worth it. In the story, he is trying to protect his son, but his son just ends up scared of him. In the end, he lost his son anyway.

  2. I like how Once upon a time showed how rumplestiltskin got his power, where as brothers grimm doesnt. In the brothers grimm he just can spin te yarn to gold out of no where, while in once upon a time he gets his magic powers from becoming the new dark one by killing the old one with a mystic dagger.

  3. I honestly don't consider the two versions of the character to be similar enough to each other to be "the same character". They borrow similar themes from each other (pacts/promises) but other than the name, not much seems to bind the two together.

    It's more interesting to consider why exactly the writers of OUAT would want to use Rumpelstiltskin as the basis for this character, but I'm not sure I have a really good analysis for that. That said, OUAT does so much more to develop their character; I vastly prefer that rendition.

  4. Whenever I hear Rumpelstiltskin, I ALWAYS think of Shrek 4. Honestly I wasn't introduced to this fairy tale before that movie came out. It wasn't until this class that I actually read the fairy tale. My impression of him as always been a negative one, he scares me!
